Dr Mike Schachter who's payroll is this man on ?

Cholesterol is the single greatest risk factor for heart disease and a major risk factor in stroke and disease of the arteries. Statins reduce harmful cholesterol by slowing its production in the liver.

They’re proven to reduce heart attack and stroke by reducing harmful cholesterol which thickens arteries and increases risk of clots. A review of 90,000 statin users by the Medical Research Council in Oxford and the University of Sydney concluded that risk of fatal heart attack or stroke fell by about a third.

Benefits started immediately, increased the longer they were taken and the further cholesterol fell. It reported statins are especially valuable to people at high risk of heart attack or stroke and they protect patients whose cholesterol was considered normal.

Dr Kendrick uses studies selectively. He doesn’t mention the trials involving tens of thousands of people showing benefit from statins. He focuses entirely on the negative. Equally you don’t have to believe that the whole population should be on statins. I certainly do not.

Check out this story on Dr Mike Schachter here.

"Cholesterol is the single greatest risk factor for heart disease and a major risk factor in stroke and disease of the arteries."

Total nonsense !


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