Great food ideas from my friend Lynda.


This recipe is a great way to use up left over vegetables.  You can use roast vegetables, cooked cabbage, broccoli, carrot, peas, beans... anything!!  Please note that all measurements here are approximate because it depends on the size of your frypan and the amount of leftovers.

Please Note:  You must use a frypan that can be put into the oven (no plastic handle) !!  If you don't have a frypan you can put into your oven you could transfer the mixture (after sautéing  into a pie dish or individual muffin trays (silicon is best to stop sticking).

1 small onion chopped (or half a large onion)
2 rashers of chopped bacon or ham (optional)
1-2 cups approx of left over vegetables
1 tablespoon butter
4 eggs
1/4 cup of cream (approx)
Salt and pepper
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of curry powder (optional)
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

Sauté the onion in the butter, add the bacon and cook a little longer then add the curry powder (if using it). Make sure to use a pan that can go into the oven - no plastic handle!!
 Add the vegetables and heat through.

Pour over the eggs previously beaten with half the cheese, cream and seasoning.

Cook through a little on the stove top, top with remaining cheese and then put into a moderate oven until the top is puffed and brown.  You can either use fan bake for this for approx 8 minutes or grill.  Whatever works for you and your oven.

You can find more of Lynda's lovely recipe ideas here.

All the best


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