Barry Groves was right the NHS is wrong !

Checking around it would appear the comment posted on this blog last night was a spoof. The only way we will ever know the truth is if Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen contacts us, as Carole said ‘search University of Carmarthen, nothing comes up’ What the comment demonstrates very clearly, is the lengths lowcarb antis will go to to besmirch a very popular and respected man. Even the grave does not offer refuge from the dullards and carbohydrate addicted. Regulars at the forum will remember the most avid critics of Barry Groves and low carb high fat, namely Sid Bonkers, Jopar, Phoenix, Cugila, Ally5555, Noblehead et al. Known as the clique.

Barry Groves promoted a lowcarb high fat diet, as a healthier option to the standard dietary advice from the NHS, ADA, BDA and DUK etc. especially for the control of obesity and its often linked type two diabetes. The $64000 question has to be was Barry wrong ? As many know, whatever success lowcarbers post up on forums and blogs, whether diabetic or not, is usually dismissed by the medical profession as anecdotal (subjective unreliable untrustworthy sketchy) the medical profession like to deal in facts. So, let’s look at some facts.

The most comprehensive and audited data concerning diabetes facts in the UK are from the published NHS audits (see link 1 below) the audits prove 93.1% of type one diabetics miss the HbA1c 6.5 target. The same pitiful results can be seen if you check out the previous five years of NHS audits. The numbers for type two diabetics are also a disgrace. We can take as fact the NHS and other outfits advising diabetics are failing catastrophically, where else would a failure rate of 93% be accepted ? Don’t forget the professionals work with facts. Well, the professionals tell us a reduction in saturated fats will improve our risk factors for CVD, do the facts back this claim up ? No ! see link 2

A meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pooled together data from 21 unique studies that included almost 350,000 people, about 11,000 of whom developed cardiovascular disease (CVD), tracked for an average of 14 years, and concluded that there is no relationship between the intake of saturated fat and the incidence of heart disease or stroke.

Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD.

So, who are we to believe ? The medics with their massive failure in getting so many diabetics to a safe place, their dietary advice that borders on criminal, the dietary advice pushed out year after year, as the twin epidemics of obesity and type two diabetes goes forever upward. The saturated fat advice is completely wrong. What impact have dieticians had on obesity or outcomes for diabetics ? Nothing positive that I can see, just check out diabetes forums and blogs. The same forum and blog posters reporting success are almost always on a low carb high fat diet, exactly what Barry promoted for years. But of course that’s all anecdotal, the medics deal in fact, the NHS facts shame them. How galling it must be for them, to see an average Joe on a forum or blog, showing so many over weight people or diabetics, the way to safe weight loss and diabetic salvation.

Last word today on this subject to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a Medical Professional who does know what he is talking about with the courage to go against the lunacy that prevails in the NHS.

“The reality is that over the years, and around the world we have killed literally millions of diabetics by advising them to eat a high-carb diet and avoid fats. Only now is it being recognised that previous advice was and remains useless, dangerous and scientifically illiterate”


Link 1

Link 2

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